Private & Semi-Private Workshops
All workshops and instruction are available virtually.

Private & Semi-Private ChiRunning Workshops and Lessons
$ 80.00 – $ 240.00
The 1/2 day Private & Semi-Private ChiRunning and/or ChiWalking Clinics teach all the basic ingredients of the Techniques described in the half-day workshop above in a private setting with a schedule that is right for you. This can be one session or several. A free video analysis is included. You will get lots of personal attention and enjoy a rich learning experience packed with good information to help you run injury-free for the rest of your life.
Working out with a group is a great way to save money. You create the group, and I will coordinate the rest. Multi-session packages, including the 1/2 day clinic, are offered at a discount.
• $100/hour: 1 person
• $85/hour: 2 persons each
• $75/hour: 3 or 4 persons each

$ 100.00
1 hour
A tune-up is great if you’re already practicing your ChiRunning and/or ChiWalking focuses (attended a workshop, read the book, or saw the video) and want to improve your form, or explore one of our topics in more depth. In addition to the basics, you can learn about hills, breathing, or pelvic rotation. We can also run or walk to together as I provide full body scan feedback.

Video Analysis
$ 80.00
1 hour
Whether you are new to ChiRunning & Walking or have been practicing for a while, video analysis is a key tool for form improvement. Personally, it is my favorite. With video analysis, I video you at different angles to document your current form including feet, ankles, hip rotation, arm swing, head position, posture and other body positions at key phases of your stride. Corrections and modifications will then be suggested. You also have the option of sending in your own video. In this case instructions will be sent on how to set up the video for success.