Group Workshops
All workshops and instruction are available virtually.

Introduction to ChiRunning & ChiWalking
1/2 hour – 1 hour
If you are interested in a private lesson please signup with the link below. Or you may signup for one of our upcoming workshops.
Upcoming Workshops

Half-day ChiRunning Workshop
3-4 hours
In this workshop you will learn the basic ingredients of the ChiRunning® Technique, all packed in a ½ day. I will be guiding you through many exercises and drills designed to leave you with a clear sense of what the ChiRunning technique feels like in your body. We will not be doing lots of running (contrary to what you might imagine), so no matter what condition you’re in, have no fear. We will spend the day alternating between demonstrations, fun exercises, and technique drills…the nature of the day will be relaxed, fun, and inspiring.
You can look forward to being introduced to the ChiRunning Form and learning about:
• The keys to effortless, injury-free running
• The physics of running and gravity’s role
• ChiRunning vs Power running
• Injury prevention techniques
• Lower and upper body usage and the role of legs and arms
• Gears and speed management
• Personal check-in tools & techniques
• Posture, forward fall, ankle lift and arm swing
• Introduction to pelvic rotation
Upcoming Workshops

One-day ChiRunning Workshop
7 hours
In this workshop you will learn all the basic ingredients of the ChiRunning® Technique learned in the half-day workshop plus:
• Learning to use you gears
• Cadence
• How to conserve energy at any speed
• Pre-run looseners
• Hills (gradual & steep; uphill and downhill)
• Pelvic rotation
• Personal check-in techniques
Upcoming Workshops

Advanced ChiRunning Workshop
2 + hours
Advanced ChiRunning Workshop for those who have taken the ½ workshop or are otherwise familiar with the basic ChiRunning Technique. In this workshop we will cover the following topics:
• Review posture & alignment
• Hills: steep and gradual uphills; steep and gradual downhills
• Gears and stride length
• Pelvic rotation
• Cadence
• Breathing
• Video Analysis (extra cost)
Upcoming Workshops

Half-Day ChiWalking Workshop
3 – 4 hours
This workshop is very similar to the running workshop. We rebuild your walking form from the ground up – through aligning yourself, engaging your core, creating balance, and focusing – as well as a lot of tips along the way.
This half-day class presents all of the foundation elements of the ChiWalking approach so that upon completion the student will be able to implement it into his or her walking program. I will demonstrate and guide students through active exercises and drills as they experience the five steps of mindful walking: alignment, core engagement, balance, making a choice and moving forward.
Content includes:
• Introduction to the ChiWalking approach
• Injury-prevention techniques
• Optimal walking posture
• Lower and upper body usage: role of legs and arms
• Pre-walk looseners
• Personal check-in tools
• Innovative technique drills
• How to relax and conserve energy at any speed
• Hill walking techniques
Upcoming Workshops

Chi Walk-Run Class
Offered ½ day or privately at the same rates at the other walking & running workshops
The Chi Walk-Run workshop is perfect for walkers who want to introduce running into their fitness program, beginner runners, or those returning to running from an injury or hiatus.
This class provides a unique integration of the knowledge and experiential foundations of both Chi Walking and Chi Running. I will demonstrate the various components of Chi Walking and Chi Running and will guide students through exercises and drills designed to leave you with a clear sense of what Chi Walking, Chi Running and Chi Walk-Run feel like in your body.
There will be some walking, running and walk-running, but only enough to learn the basics and foundations of these approaches – a relaxed, full and inspiring day! Upon completion, the student will be able to walk and run with more ease and efficiency and will be able to move effortlessly back and forth between walking and running. Open to all levels of walker or runner.
In this workshop you will learn:
• Keys to effortless, injury-free walking and running
• Basics of the holistic, integrated Chi Walk-Run approach
• Core muscle technique drills and exercises
• Upper and lower body usage in walking and running, e.g., running witout using your legs and the role of gravity
• Introduction to Chi Walking and Chi Running form
• Energy conservation in movement
• Body scanning, awareness and choice re. walking and/or running
• Tips for transitions between walking and running: when to do which and how to make the shift most efficiently
Upcoming Workshops

Organization Workshops & Programs
If your club, organization, company, association or other group is interested in developing a ChiRunning or ChiWalking program incorporating the injury prevention and energy efficient principles of ChiRunning and Walking, please contact me. Special consideration for non-profits with clients in need. Customized programs available.